Active / passive insufficiency of muscle

Active Insufficiency :
- Its mean Poor Lengthening of the angonist muscle
- Example (i):
When bend the wrist ( flexion the wrist ) and bend the elbow ( flexion the elbow ), its hard to make a fist of the hand.It is because the length of the angonis muscle ( flexor ) is not sufficient.

Passive insufficiency :
- Its mean Poor Lenghtening of the antagonist muscle
- Example (i):
Make a fist of the hand first, and then bend the wrist and elbow. The fist will be weak. Its is because of pulling back of antagonist muscle for fist.


Unknown said...

can u plz explain passive insufficiency in more detail...

Anonymous said...

After reading this still do not understand Need more detail more explaining but thank anyway

ZATIEY said...

can i know about passive and active insufficiency in hand function

Anonymous said...

@ anum...

Passive Insufficiency – When 2 joint muscle stretched - high passive and active tension limiting range of motion

For instance: when the knee is fully extended, tension in the gastrocnemius restricts the range of dorsiflexion at the ankle. When the knee is flexed, the gastrocnemius places less restriction on dorsiflexion

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with active/passive insufficiency of muscle. This happens because when the wrist is flexed, the finger flexors no longer have an optimal length/tension relationship; therefore, less force is produced and a "weaker" fist is formed. The wrist will be weak whether the elbow is flexed or not.

Anonymous said...

Length tension relationships actually are a part of active / passive insufficiency. I always think about it how anum stated. With a two joint muscle: passive long, active short.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Active insufficiency is when a two joint muscle contracts across both joints simultaneously.
Passive insufficiency is when a two joint muscle is lengthened over both joints simultaneously.

Anonymous said...

Passive Insufficiency:
- Inability to complete ROM PASSIVELY because the (2 joint antagonist) antagonistic muscle cannot be elongated further..
- Example:
1. Decrease Hip Flexion ROM (Supine Position)
explanation: when knee is fully extended, doing hip flexion passively is limited due to tight hamstrings
2. Decrease Hip Extension ROM (Prone Position)
Explanation: When knee is fully flexed in prone position, doing Hip Extension is limited due to tight Rectus Femoris

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